How to keep skin healthy and glowing

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How to keep skin healthy and glowing

Would you like to do more to keep your skin healthy and glowing?

In our last blog, we introduced skin health and why it’s so important, including some tips on how to keep your skin looking its best.

Today, we’re going to take a deeper dive into actions you can take to boost your skin and enjoy a healthy, youthful glow, whatever your age.

1. Wear sunscreen every day

The rays from the sun can damage your skin, causing issues such as hyperpigmentation and fine lines and wrinkles. This is why we should all wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day, come rain or shine.

A broad-spectrum sunscreen is one that protects against UVA rays, which typically cause the signs of photoageing mentioned above, and UVB rays, which are responsible for sunburn and various skin cancers.

If you’re wondering what strength of sunscreen you should wear, SPF 30 is a good starting point for all skin types.

2. Drink plenty of water

Up to 60% of the adult human body is water, serving several essential functions to keep us in tip-top condition.

Drinking plenty of water is vital for your skin health too – it can:

  • Help to hydrate and maintain the elasticity of your skin, as well as giving it a healthy glow

  • Maintain the pH balance of your skin (crucial for protecting your skin from external influences like bacteria, allergens and pollution)

  • Flush toxins out of your body (great for beautiful, clear skin)

  • Slow down or reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles

  • Help keep your pores clear and unclogged, reducing the chances of developing severe acne

It’s recommended that we each drink two to three litres of water a day to stay hydrated.

3. Have a good skincare routine

Your skin has to deal with a lot throughout the day – pollution, the weather and other environmental factors can all cause damage.

Following a good skincare routine is essential if you want to keep your skin healthy and glowing.

But what does a good skincare routine include?

  • Cleanse – Many people clean their skin too often or use harsh, drying products. The best advice is to cleanse your skin first thing in the morning, before you go to bed and after working up a sweat.

  • Tone – Dermatologists often describe this as an optional step. If you have acne-prone skin or your skin is dry or sensitive, using an appropriate toner can help to restore and maintain the pH balance and reduce problems.

  • Treat – You may want to add a step to your skincare routine to include a serum containing skincare superheroes such as vitamin C, retinol or alpha hydroxyl acid.

  • Moisturise – This essential step helps to hydrate and strengthen your skin, locking in properties that promote healing and encourage moisture retention. Use a lighter moisturiser during the day and a heavier cream at night.

  • Sunscreen – As mentioned in point 1, it’s important to end your morning skincare routine by applying a good sunscreen (SPF 30 or above). You should wear sunscreen even if you plan to be inside all day, as UV rays can still come in through the windows.

In addition, you should exfoliate your skin approximately two to three times a week if you have “normal” to “oily” skin. If your skin is dry and sensitive, once a week may be more suitable.

Keep an eye on how your skin responds to all of the above, particularly exfoliation, so you can tweak your regimen to what works best for you.

4. Ditch processed food

The saying goes that “You are what you eat” and that certainly seems to be true when it comes to skin health.

The general consensus is that a diet that consists of highly processed foods, ready meals and refined carbohydrates can damage your skin’s health and appearance.

On the flipside, you may be able to improve your skin health by eating a diet rich in healthy fats, fruit and vegetables (particularly brightly coloured varieties that are packed full of antioxidants).

5. Get more sleep

You can often tell a person is sleep deprived by looking at their skin.

According to research, tell-tale signs of just one sleepless night include dark circles under the eyes, a pale complexion, swollen/heavy eyelids, and downturned corners of the mouth.

Over time, not getting enough sleep can cause your skin to:

Sleep is when your body repairs itself, so it’s important to do what you can to encourage a restful night.

During sleep, your skin’s blood flow increases and the organ rebuilds its collagen (one of the proteins associated with healthy, youthful skin), as well as repairing damage from UV exposure.

The NHS has put together some tips to help you get more sleep.

6. Manage your stress levels

When you feel stressed, your sympathetic nervous system releases stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline into your body. Cortisol causes increased oil production in your skin glands, which can lead to clogged pores and acne breakouts.

In addition, our bodies respond to stress by believing that it’s an attack on the immune system. This can trigger an inflammatory response, flaring up conditions such as acne, eczema and rosacea.

Many of the things that will help you to manage your stress will also keep your skin healthy and glowing. A good night’s sleep, a healthy diet, regular exercise, a good routine will all make a difference.  

7. Exercise

Regular exercise is one of the major keys to healthy, beautiful skin.

As your heart pumps harder, it increases the blood flow throughout your body, including to your skin. This is important because your blood carries oxygen and other nutrients to working cells, maintaining their health. At the same time, blood flow helps to carry away waste products from working cells.

When you’re working out, it’s important to protect your skin from sun damage. Sweating can wash off sunscreen and increase the chance of burning, so we always recommend wearing clothes that cover as much of your skin as possible and using a hat to shield your face.

Also, be aware that some exercise can rub the skin, causing chafing. You can often prevent this by wearing moisture-wicking items such as a sports bra or choosing loose-fitting workout clothes.

Exercising with a full face of make-up may lead to clogged pores, so it’s better to remove your make-up before you workout.

8. Avoid smoke and second-hand smoke

While exercise will boost your circulation, smoking or being around second-hand smoke has the opposite effect, narrowing your blood vessels and limiting the oxygen and nutrients that reach each cell.

The toxins in cigarette smoke damage proteins like collagen and elastin, both of which are responsible for keeping your skin firm and supple. Smoking can also impede wound healing and contribute to hyperpigmentation.

If you are able to quit smoking, you should be rewarded with brighter, clearer skin within a few weeks. In fact, the improvements to your complexion will continue for six months after quitting.

9. Shorten and cool down your shower

Most of us shower too frequently and spend too long under water that’s too hot. The result? Our skin can end up being stripped of its natural oils, becoming damaged, dry and sensitive.

Dermatologists agree that the best option is to take shorter showers, turning down the temperature of the water, especially towards the end. Not only should your skin and hair feel smoother and softer, but it’s better for the environment too.

10. Nurture your skin health with targeted treatments

In addition to the tips above, you may want to keep your skin healthy and glowing with specially formulated treatments.

Here at Medikaur, many of our popular treatments are aimed at skin health.

Why not try one of the following?

  • Skinade Collagen Drinks: Boost your skin health from the inside out with a natural peach and mango flavoured drink that contains active ingredients that work together to boost your body’s collagen and hyaluronic acid production

  • Radara: Enjoy an at-home alternative to skin needling; simply apply a patch for five minutes a day for four weeks as directed by us and smooth away fine lines and wrinkles around your outer eyes

  • Nu Skin ageLOC Galvanic Spa and Lumispa: Stimulate your skin when cleansing, nourish deep within the epidermis and unblock your pores.

  • Zo® Skin Health’s Red Carpet Peel: Experience a high-performance, medical grade peel that can lessen moderate lines and wrinkles, acne, age spots, uneven pigmentation and improve your skin texture.

  • Medical skin needling: Stimulate your skin’s natural healing response to trigger the production of fresh collagen and elastin, the building blocks of firm, healthy skin.

  • Dermaplaning: This enhanced exfoliation technique can give your skin a seriously fresh glow by carefully removing the dead cells from the surface of your skin and encouraging new cell growth.

  • Profhilo: Experience a seriously hydrating injectable treatment that stimulates collagen and elastin production and can boost your skin quality for up to six months.

Keep your skin healthy and glowing

Your skin is a living, ever-changing organ. It is affected by your genes, hormones, lifestyle, age, environment and so much more.

Knowing this, the best thing you can do to keep your skin healthy and glowing is to make taking care of it part of your daily routine for the rest of your life.

Don’t be afraid to seek professional advice if you feel your skin needs some extra TLC or even if you love how it looks and feels and want to maintain that.

Book a consultation to talk about your skin health at Medikaur.

Gurpreet Gill